The remarkable qualities of Honister green slate make it the ultimate roofing choice for a sustainable and resilient future.

The remarkable qualities of Honister green slate make it the ultimate roofing choice for a sustainable and resilient future.

When it comes to environmental friendliness, slate stands head and shoulders above the rest, proudly claiming the title of one of the world's most eco-friendly roofing options. As a completely natural product, it boasts the lowest embodied energy among all roofing materials, setting a benchmark for environmental consciousness.

What exactly does embodied energy mean? It encompasses the energy required throughout the entire lifecycle of a product, including manufacturing, transportation, usage, and waste management. In the case of slate, its embodied carbon value is at most 16% of that found in other roofing materials, making it an unrivalled champion in reducing environmental impact.


 Embodied Energy


Embodied Carbon


Roofing Slate 0.1 - 1.0 0.005 - 0.054


The benefits don't end there. Honister green Slate's exceptional durability makes it an ideal roofing material capable of withstanding fire, hail, acid rain, hurricane force winds, and even the most relentless forces of nature. Mother Nature herself has met her match with our slate! Re-roofing every few decades becomes a thing of the past, as slate's longevity surpasses that of most other materials. In fact, some slate roofs have stood the test of time for hundreds of years, a testament to its incredible resilience.

Let's not forget about the sustainability factor. Slate is not only reusable but also recyclable, adding to its eco-friendly credentials. Many reclaimed slate roofs find new life on other rooftops or are repurposed into artistic and architectural installations, showcasing its versatility and commitment to a circular economy.

Embrace the extraordinary, embrace slate - the embodiment of sustainable roofing excellence. It has unparalleled environmental performance, remarkable endurance, and timeless beauty, all while reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a greener world.

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